NFC IDs for Secure Verifications Globally using Passport Reader

Verifying identities online is becoming more complex with advanced tampering methods, which is why NFC technologies are crucial in the next chapter of KYC security. This post will explore some concepts around NFCs and how Trust Swiftly has adapted our solution to meet multiple business requirements.

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Face Search and Dupe Fraud Detection for ID Verification

An important anti-fraud measure is searching for duplicate faces during ID verifications. It is referred by a few names, such as 1:N face verification (Face Recognition Technology Evaluation (FRTE) 1:N Identification), face search, or face deduplication.

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NIST IAL3 An Exploratory Solution Using Kiosks to Verify

Now that we have already done a deep dive into NIST IAL 2 (NIST IAL2 Identity Verification An Updated Review of Requirements), we will explore level 3. This will only be at a high level as a client requested it as an additional method for certain users. Similar to how the government added in-person help for at the USPS, other businesses may require this feature. For example, if you are a bank and want to achieve IAL3 for wiring a large amount, then you could require proofing to be done onsite.

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NIST IAL2 Identity Verification An Updated Review of Requirements

Four parts of NIST 800-63 include identity guidelines, identity proofing, authentication, and federation documents. The NIST page provides a good overview of each section, and you can explore the guidelines for granular details further. As each covers a massive amount of information, we will only select the 800-63A, titled Enrollment and Identity Proofing. Trust Swiftly fits perfectly in this section, and we have meticulously built our tool to comply with this requirement.

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Fortifying Gaps in KYC Defenses

If anyone has been paying attention in the past few months, they will realize that most KYC protections have been breached at this point. The gates are wide open, and fraudsters encourage the peasants to pillage the castles. YouTube and other social media platforms are doing nothing or acting too late to slow down the training of fledgling fraudsters.

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How to identify fake employees and candidates?

Recently, companies have been facing an uptick in fraud and other employment attacks that put them at risk. HR, recruiting, and people teams face immense numbers of candidates and typically lack the tools, processes, and availability to thoroughly vet potential new and existing employees.

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Protecting SBA Business Loans from Fraud

The SBA, a lifeline for many small businesses, is under siege from fraudsters. The urgency of the situation is clear when we see them pouncing on new programs and even disaster funds. A quick scan of Telegram reveals half a million in likely illegal disbursements, just the tip of the iceberg.

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Best Stripe Radar Fraud Strategy

The following post will review strategies for Radar as an overall product and then for Stripe users on managing fraud efficiently. Throughout the years, Stripe Radar has grown to become a comprehensive product with improved risk scores and continues to add features.

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The Downsides to Decentralized Identity and SSI

Decentralized identity will become significant in identity proofing and verification in the coming years. There are plenty of explainers and deep dives into the technology and why companies and people should pay attention to it. It is still a fragmented space, but new iterations are slowly improving and standardizing the solutions.

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Securing Employee Onboarding with KYE for IAM

Understanding the significance of 'Know Your Employee' (KYE) in onboarding is becoming the next level of security in IAM. Recently, remote employees and contractors are a weak link in the security of a business. In one case, North Korea has targeted businesses with inside employees that decide to earn salaries, exfiltrate information, or remain sleeping agents until needed.

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